Host the Perfect Backyard BBQ

Barbecues are a great excuse to gather with friends and family, enjoy good conversation, laughter and maybe a yard game or two!

But how do you begin planning the ultimate BBQ? Here are a few steps to help you host the perfect backyard BBQ!

1. Lights, Lights & More Lights

Decorate your outdoor dining space and backyard with twinkle lights. If you don't have any white lights, get creative with your multi-colored Christmas lights! "Wait, I don't have any string lights." That's ok! Add lanterns around the doors and/or chairs to create a welcoming glow.

2. Prep the Meat

Obviously you're going to have meat at the perfect backyard BBQ. Prepare the meat before your guests arrive so all that will need to be done is firing up the grill. 

3. Potluck 

Invite everyone to bring their favorite summertime side dish. They will feel extra welcomed and it helps you out... a win-win! Then you can just focus on grilling up the best meat. 

4. Cool Drinks

With the summer heat, make sure everyone stays refreshed and hydrated. Place the drinks in the shade so they will stay cooler for longer. If they don't fit in a cooler, make sure to add plenty of ice in the pitcher.

5. Desserts

You can't have the perfect backyard BBQ without dessert! We recommend easy finger-food desserts like brownies, cookies, ice cream sandwiches and the like to keep hands free for game playing or lemonade sipping.

6. Snacks

Of course after the food has been all wrapped up and put away, someone is going to get the munchies. Make sure they get plenty of yummy treats by setting out an 'after-tizer' (yes, we made that word up) like a fruit or veggie tray, or maybe some nuts and cheese that pair well with your drink options. We have beautiful serveware to keep your snack table festive and fresh. 

7. Games 

Set out playing cards, dice games, conversation starters, Tic-Tac-Toe or Dominos to get the laughter rolling! Explore some of our fun games perfect for an outdoor evening.

8. Bye, Bugs

Keep the bugs at bay by placing out various natural bug repellant candles and plants (lavendar is a great one!). You can also set out bug spray for your guests to use. 

That’s it! Good luck: we know it will be amazing!

P.S. If you need colorful décor for your perfect backyard BBQ, check out our playful decorations to help turn your yard into a gorgeous gathering space!